Ga nyangka bisa lihat Cinta alias Dian Sastrowardoyo. Terakhir lihat tuh pas dia roadshow iklan sabun LUX di Ciwalk bareng Tamara, Mariana, Luna tahun 2007.
Ini lihat dia dari jauuuuh, tapi nampak cantik. Hehe. Semoga kapan-kapan bisa foto bareng. Kan foto bareng sama Rangga mah udah. Soalnya hal kayak gini nih yang bikin betah di Jakarta, ketemu artis. 😍

Rabu, 04 Mei 2016
Itu Cinta
Senin, 29 Februari 2016
Current Favorite Place
Recently, hubby and I really loves to have dinner at one of traditional restaurant in East Jakarta. Not that east. Rawamangun area. Nice ambience, super cozy, great food and good WiFi. Speaking of food, they serves so many kind of 'sambal'. A spicy paste made of various of chilli. This restaurant called: RM 1001 Sambel Ceu Dedeh.
You could 'lesehan' at 'sasaungan' here but there's also chair in the front. His favorite is Ayam Kampung Bakar while mine is Soto Tangkar and Sambel Goang. The price?
It's totally affordable. Remember, this is big city so you're not that often get a good dinner with good price plus good place. Here's the video:
So yeah..This is my post for february. Gotta write another but let's see. One post a month isn't bad tho'.